
Shanghai Bitconn Electronic Co.,Ltd.


如何恢復Xbee Znet(ZB) 模塊的默認參數?

發(fā)表時間:2015/03/13 00:00:00  瀏覽次數:4656  
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This process also works for the XBee Znet 2.5/ZB modules as well.  To verify this, please follow the steps outlined below:


-          Launch X-CTU

-          Configure the PC settings tab to the radios default settings and correct com port

-          Hold the reset line on the interface board down

-          On the Terminal tab, enable the break

-          Release the reset switch

-          An OK will appear on the terminal tab

-          Disable Break

You are now in command mode and can restore the radios firmware settings to defaults using the ATRE, WR commands. To clear the network tables, you will need to issue the ATNR0 command as well.
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